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First-Year Experience

Adjusting to college life can be a big transition. Make it smoother by taking First-Year Experience. This two-credit course is designed to help new CCC students learn how to take notes, plan their education and reach their career goals. It’s a great chance to learn about college resources and build relationships with staff and fellow students. 

After taking First-Year Experience your first term at CCC, you can take FYE-102, a one-credit course that concentrates on career planning, funding college, resources and academic support. FYE-103 is a one-credit course designed to help students prepare for their future, including transferring to another school, searching for employment, develop test-taking skills and more.

The trio of classes are designed to guide students through their first year of college and are all helpful for anyone who is adjusting to a new transition in life and wants help with their educational or professional development. 


FYE 101 is $93 and FYE 102 and 103 together are $75.

Five great reasons to take FYE:

  1. Build relationships with students and faculty.
  2. Learn about CCC resources and services.
  3. Gain confidence and get on track to graduate.
  4. Develop time and stress management skills.
  5. Set goals and develop an education path.
Ready to Get Started?